Finding your joy this year…

Finding Your joy blog post with journaling prompts
Be the weirdo who dares to enjoy
— Elizabeth Gilbert

Welcolme to this new addition to the website, a place where I can chatter away and not worry to much about who’s listening. My dream for this business is for it to bring about happiness, smiles and a whole lot of love- THE FEEL GOOD FACTOR. I feel like this can only work if I commit to all the things that make me feel good and that I care about most… which are Flowers, colour, gifting & giving, nature, travel, culture, people, women, friends, tablescapes, events, weddings, art, fashion, the home, interior design, graphic design, the beach, gentle movement (working out until I vomit will never appeal to me), writing, reading and spirituality. As you can see there are alot of topics that fill me with joy and I would love to share these with you over the coming months in the hope that they bring you some joy too!

This blog will be my starting point of joy for the year. I am a believer that we can attract good things into our lives and I believe the best way to do this is to focus on joy and fun. Last year I was so focused on building this business that at times I forgot to seek joy. A goal for this year is to do as many things as I can to make me feel good and I encourage you to do the same.

This blog post will give you a few ideas of how to get started in finding your joy…

It may be that right now you don’t know what brings you joy. The first step is to find your joys…

Joy Finding Activity

  1. I encourage you to take a seat with a pen and paper and close your eyes. As you do this I want you to think of all the things that bring you joy. Keep your eyes closed and your breaths deep and attach yourself to how each thing makes you feel. Do this for as long as you need.

  2. Open your eyes and follow the journaling prompts below:

    What brings me joy? (eg. laughing with friends, cooking, meditation etc) - write each one on a new line

    Why do they bring me joy? (eg. they lift my mood, it takes me out of my head, it makes me feel calmer)

    How can I actively bring more joy into my life? (eg. make a plan each month with my special friends - a comedy show or just a nice long walk, order a cooking subscription box or bake your favourite cake, set aside time to meditate each morning - download insight timer app (free guided meditations) or book a meditation class.)

  3. There may be lots of joyful activities on your list so pick to the actions and try to implement them this month. If you do the exercise and you feel disappointed that you cannot find much that brings you joy then I encourage you to focus on your feelings and emotions. Is there one thing in your life that makes life feel a little lighter - maybe it isn’t an activity or hobby but a person or an object.

  4. The final step is to then write a thank you to the universe for all the things that bring you joy - we all have access to so many things and lots of them are free or cheap. When we take a moment to appreciate all the things that make us feel amazing we send a signal into the world that we want more of that.

Books about finding Joy…

  1. .Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

  2. Super Attractor by Gabrielle Bernstein

  3. Untamed by Glennon Doyle

  4. The Monk who sold his ferrari by Robin Sharma

  5. Do What You Love, Love What You Do by Holly Tucker

It may be that your joy finding goes deeper than the things you can do outside of work - perhaps your job isn’t bringing you any joy at all. - I have been there and this is tough especially as we spend so much time at work. For me I actually lived at work as crew on a superyacht so I found it increasingly hard to find joy at the end of my last job. But I always found it somewhere and I made sure that I was grateful for the tiny things that did bring me joy - flowers, tables, presentation and then the things I did outside of work - yoga, meditation, walks etc. I left my last boat in July 2020 (that dreaded year) and I immediately sought out my joy. Turning your joy into a career can bring so much happiness into your life.

Which of your joys can you turn into your dream job?

Joyful Inspiring Podcast

Conversations of Inspiration with Holly Tucker MBE Podcast

If you are looking for a push to use your joy to create your dream job or career this podcast has made me laugh and cry and lifted me so many times last year. The journey of entrepreneurship is a tough one but as this podcast delves into the joy is never ending.

It is never too late to change direction!

I hope this year is so full of joy for you all this year

Sending lots of love

Sam x 


The Language of Flowers: Adding Personal Touches to Your Wedding or Event